8月份 super kids

Wombat Class [Alison]

Panda: Our Super Kid this month is a very lively and cute girl who smiles beautifully. She follows our class rules very well and she is also very polite to her teachers while being very attentive in class. She likes to draw and she likes to hug her classmates to express her friendship and love. Our Super Kid is Alison! Keep up the good work!

Bryan: This little girl is an absolute bundle of joy. She is very well behaved and helps to remind others of the teacher’s expectations. She likes to help the teacher and her classmates. She is friendly with everyone and participates fully in class. Even though she is a new student, she has adapted to our class and school routines and has improved a lot in the last month, in both her English and Math. I am very happy to have this girl in our class and very happy to have her as our Superkid for this month. She always wears a smile on her face and is enthusiastic during our weekly songs. Our Superkid for this month is Alison! Great job and keep up the good work!

Phoenix Class [Vina]

Tiffany: Our Super Kid in Phoenix class isVina!She has improved a lot this past month. She has gotten a lot better at following directions and sitting nicely during class. She will share her toys with everyone. When she first came to school she would cry every day, but now she really enjoys coming to school and she gets along well with all her classmates. Good job Vina!Keep it up. Congratulations!

Blanca: Our Super Kid for this month is Vina! Vina has been doing a great job during class recently! She has been participating a lot and sings the weekly songs very loudly. She has also been doing a great job with her bookwork and is usually focused. She doesn’t really sleep during nap time, but she has gotten much better about telling us what she wants/how she feels instead of crying, which is wonderful! Keep up the great work, Vina!

Unicorn Class [Jem]

Bret: Our Super Kid for August is new student but has already shown that she has a great attitude towards learning. She has adjusted nicely to our class and has made friends with everyone. She always accepts new challenges and listens to teacher. Congratulations Jem! You’ve made a great first impression.

Lauren: Our Super Kid is a girl who just recently joined our class in July. At first, she would only speak Chinese in class but she has begun to start using English to communicate with her classmates and teachers. During lunchtime, she would often spend 90 minutes eating, but she has gotten so much faster now. She has really improved a lot! She loves to share and is always happy to share her toys with everyone. Our Super Kid this month is Jem! Good job. Keep up the good work!

Meerkat Class [Jessica]

Jeremy: Our Super Kid this month is Jessica. Jessica has made a lot of improvement this month. At the beginning of the month, she would get very angry when her teachers were explaining classroom rules to her, but now she listens to what her teachers are saying to her without getting angry. She does a much better job following rules as well. Jessica loves to participate in class, and she loves to play games. She does a great job talking in class and she generally follows along well. She has gotten better at controlling her emotions when playing with others, and she is fun to have in class. Keep up the great work!    

Fiona: Our Super Kid this month is Jessica. Jessica did a very good job this month. When she came to CKids, she wasn’t used to speaking English and wasn’t familiar with our rules, but now she is trying to speak more English and shelistens to herteachers. She is always happy to participate in the class and likes to tell everyone what she knows. Keep up the great work!

Orca Class [Owen]

Richard: The Super Kid in Orca class for the month of August is a very special boy. He’s always first to finish his classwork neatly and is always willing to help others when needed. His English is always improving and is now always reminding others to speak English only in class, also in the past few months his math has also improved greatly! He is very well behaved in class and is loved by everyone in class! For all these reasons and more the Super Kid for Orca class this month is Owen! Congratulations and keep up the excellent work!    

Ariel: The Super Kid for Orca class is Owen! He is always happy in class and is always willing to learn new things. He gets along well with others in class and is always willing to help. He is for the most part well behaved in class and listens to his teachers! Congratulations Owen, keep up the great work!